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Simplify Contactless Ordering & Payments for Restaurants.

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The Redy Digital Ordering System

Scan the QR code to order and pay

Simple and streamlined, our digital ordering system allows your customers to order food and drinks from the comfort of their own phone.

Reducing the pressure on servers, guests can instantly access the menu via a QR code that corresponds to their table. They can also pay for their meals directly on the platform, maximizing capacity by increasing the speed at which guests are served.

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A More Convenient Ordering Experience

Customers can order as soon as they are ready, and don’t have to wait for a server to take payment. Each QR code corresponds to the correct table for easy food delivery that isn’t compromised by human error.

No more mixing up orders or writing down the wrong menu item. Our intuitive digital ordering system does it all for you for a hassle-free end-user experience.

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Get a Demo

Want to find out if Redy is right for you? Simply fill out the form and we’ll send you more details and contact you to demo the product.

  • Expertly optimized, our online ordering platform for restaurants increases capacity and drives more revenue.
  • The platform is easy to use and update, helping you stay on top of orders, update your menu, and add promotional discounts with ease.
  • Quick and convenient, a QR-based online ordering system allows you to speed up food delivery and increase customer satisfaction.

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Redy pricing and fees

A simplified flat fee pricing solution made to any restaurant’s unique business needs with flexible pricing and rates as low as 2%.

Join Redy’s Platform with no up-front costs or hidden fees

When you list your restaurant on Redy, you can immediately see the benefits of online payment.

Take control of your menu

Restaurents maintain complete control of their Menu and make changes realtime if needed.

Decrease customer wait times.

Customers can immediately order as soon as they are seated and pay for their food before any member of the staff interacts with them.

Reduce the burden on employees

Mondain tasks such as logging in table orders, dividing bills, and checking out are eliminated which means employees can focus on serving their customers.

Seamless payment collection

By partnering up with Stripe we offer seamless payment collection, weather using credit cards, Apple Pay, or Google Pay we are integrated to support all forms of digital payment.